How gender affects patterns of asset ownership and control in Egypt
A recent study conducted by ICARDA’s Gender Scientist Dr. Dina Najjar, published in Feminist Economics Journal, examines the gender dimensions of land and non-land assets ownership in Egypt’s Old and New Lands.
Unlocking the Patterns of the Tunisian Durum Wheat Landraces Genetic Structure Based on Phenotypic Characterization in Relation to Farmer’s Vernacular Name
During the 1970s, Tunisian durum wheat landraces were replaced progressively by modern cultivars. These landraces are nowadays maintained by smallholder farmers in some ecological niches and are threatened gradually by extinction resulting in...
Phenotypic ranking experiments in identifying breeding objective traits of smallholder farmers in northwestern Ethiopia
We executed two live animal ranking experiments, own-flock and group-animal ranking, to identify the breeding objectives of Arab and Oromo goat keepers in northwestern Ethiopia as a preliminary step towards designing sustainable breeding...
Expression characteristics of pineal miRNAs at ovine different reproductive stages and the identification of miRNAs targeting the AANAT gene
Background Many recent studies have shown that miRNAs play important roles in the regulation of animal reproduction, including seasonal reproduction. The pineal gland is a crucial hub in the regulation of seasonal reproduction. However, little...
Representatives of ICARDA and ARC visited the Sids experimental station in Beni Sweif on March 22, to inspect key climate-smart and improved crop varieties.
Developing a new genic SSR primer database in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
The goal of this research was to develop a new genetic database of simple sequence repetition (SSR) primers for faba and classify them according to their target genes and respective biological processes. Approximately 75,605 and 148,196...
ICARDA showcases its innovative iNASHR project that addresses Egypt’s water scarcity and soil quality in a systemic way to improve food security for smallholder family farmers.
Feasibility of heart girth models in estimating live weight of fat-long-tailed sheep
Fat deposition in the brisket of Ethiopian fat-long-tailed sheep may interfere with the correlation between heart girth (HG) and live weight (LW), bringing into question the accuracy of HG models for LW prediction that are currently in use. This...
Botanical Composition and Species Diversity of Arid and Desert Rangelands in Tataouine, Tunisia
Natural rangelands occupy about 5.5 million hectares of Tunisia’s landmass, and 38% of this area is in Tataouine governorate. Although efforts towards natural restoration are increasing rapidly as a result of restoration projects, the area of...
Dr. Filippo Bassi will deliver a Keynote Speech on wheat farming in Nigeria
ICARDA’s award winning senior scientist, and durum wheat breeding program leader Dr. Filippo Bassi is to give a keynote speech at The Olam Green Land’s upcoming webinar on March 26. The webinar, titled “Deepening the wheat farming development...