ICARDA's people-centered approach puts the knowledge, experience, and challenges of the communities we serve at the center of our research. We believe this is the only way to ensure our vision of thriving and resilient livelihoods in the dry areas of the developing world becomes a reality. A future where family farmers can achieve adequate incomes, secure access to food, markets, and nutrition, and have the capacity to manage natural resources in equitable, sustainable, and innovative ways.
Although agriculture has the potential to generate income and provide financial stability for rural households, this potential is often not reached as food production systems are not fully developed, and targeted investments — in new technologies, infrastructure, and markets —are low.
By enhancing farmer access to markets ICARDA improves the business management and marketing skills of smallholder farmers, ensuring they have the knowledge and expertise to meet quality standards. ICARDA researchers also assess and evaluate value chains for major dryland crops and commodities, such as durum wheat, barley, legumes, and small ruminants, and we work closely with key stakeholders along each chain to allow agriculture to generate income for poor households and stimulate wider economic activity.