New research published studying plants' diversity in arid and desert rangelands in Tunisia
Newly publish research explains how after an exceptional wet season in Tunisia in 2017/18, ICARDA scientists studied various indigenous rangelands plants to discover their human health benefits and their attributes as feed for livestock and wildlife.
Coupling landscape-scale diagnostics surveys, on-farm experiments, and simulation to identify entry points for sustainably closing rice yield gaps in Nepal
CONTEXT Rice is the primary staple food crop in Nepal, contributing 20% of the agricultural gross domestic product and more than 50% of the total calories in the national diet. Nevertheless, the productivity of rice (3.36 t ha−1) is the lowest...
Barley Straw Use for Animal Feed and Soil Mulch in Ethiopian Highlands Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems
Barley straw serves as livestock feed and mulch for soil and water conservation in the mixed barley-livestock systems of the Ethiopian highlands. High demand for barley straw biomass in the system creates competition between the two uses. This...
Institutional Framework Treated Wastewater Reuse in Agriculture
Institutional frameworks (IFs) definition, the reasons why they are needed, some of the common challenges with institutional frameworks for wastewater reuse in agriculture?
Identification and morphological characterization of promising kabuli chickpea genotypes for short-season environment in central India
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important food legume crop grown in arid and semi-arid regions of the world. In India, kabuli chickpea is grown in central India in ~0.5 million ha, predominantly under short winter ( 110 days). Efforts are...
Converting multi-trait breeding objectives into operative selection indexes to ensure genetic gains in low-input sheep and goat breeding programmes
Small ruminant breeding programmes in low-input production systems are best organised at the community level. Participant farmers have to agree on goal traits and their relative importance. When BLUP breeding values of goal traits are not...
ICARDA acts as a catalyst to strengthen entire value chains allowing agriculture to generate income for poor households and spur wider economic activity.
First combined resistance to Hessian fly and Sunn pest identified in synthetic hexaploid wheat
Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), and Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Puton), are the two most damaging insect pests of wheat in North Africa, West and Central Asia. Host plant resistance is the most environmental friendly, cost...
It's not just about Wheat - How Diversified Cropping Systems help family farmers - and the planet.
ICARDA, alongside its national and international partners and donors, promotes Diversified Cropping Systems (DCS) across Africa, Asia and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.
AI-Driven Climate-Smart Beekeeping for Ethiopian and Uzbek Women
Through support by the German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO), ICARDA's Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Team help Ethiopian and Uzbek women better manage their hives through an AI-supported beekeeping companion app.