First combined resistance to Hessian fly and Sunn pest identified in synthetic hexaploid wheat

Hessian fly, Mayetiola destructor (Say), and Sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps (Puton), are the two most damaging insect pests of wheat in North Africa, West and Central Asia. Host plant resistance is the most environmental friendly, cost-effective and practical means of controlling insect pests. Twenty synthetic hexaploid wheat lines selected as resistant to Syrian Sunn pest in 2010 were screened for resistance to Moroccan Hessian fly biotype in 2016. The Hessian fly screening was carried out in standard greenhouse flats using a randomized complete block design with three replications, with susceptible and resistant checks in every test flat. The results showed that three synthetic hexaploid wheat lines exhibited resistance to both Moroccan Hessian fly biotype and Syrian Sunn pest. This is the first record of combined resistance to these two pests in wheat. Mapping populations using these sources of resistance are being developed using double haploid techniques for subsequent genetic characterization and identification of linked molecular markers for marker assisted selection.