Fast-forward genetics by radiation hybrids to saturate the locus regulating nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility in Triticum
The nuclear-encoded species cytoplasm specific (scs) genes control nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility in wheat (genus Triticum). Alloplasmic cells, which have nucleus and cytoplasm derived from different species, produce vigorous and vital...
In an interesting research finding, scientists have identified a salt tolerant gene in soybean that also increases grain yield. This opens up possibilities for exploring similar traits in other legumes as well.
The vulnerability of wheat is likely to increase due to an increase of heat stress according to recent wheat-production simulation models combined with local climate-change data. This is particularly an issue affecting dryland areas where global...
Multifaceted Impacts of Sustainable Land Management in Drylands: A Review
Biophysical restoration or rehabilitation measures of land have demonstrated to be effective in many scientific projects and small-scale environmental experiments. However circumstances such as poverty, weak policies, or inefficient scientific...
Power transformations: An application for symmetrizing the distribution of sample coefficient of variation from inverse gaussian populations
The coefficient of variation (CV) of a random variable (or that of the corresponding population), defined to be the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean of the cor responding population, has been used in wideranging applications in many...
Investing in agricultural research for inclusive and sustainable development
IFAD showcased the impacts from its Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) funded projects at the 39th session of its Governing Council convened in Rome, 17-18 February 2016.
Dr. Samira Asem appointed new Director General of Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
On Feb 9, 2016, Dr. Samira A. S. Omar Asem, ICARDA Board member, was appointed by the Kuwait Council of Ministers to be the new Director General of the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR).
Performance evaluation of ground water management instruments: The case of irrigation sector in Tunisia
Around 27% of aquifers in Tunisia are being overexploited. Groundwater extractions is mainly for the irrigation sector, where more than 40% of the water used for irrigation comes from GW sources. The objective of this study is to critically...