Adoption and Impact of Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties on Productivity and Household Food Security in Ethiopia
The chapter presents the adoption and diffusion of rust resistance varieties in terms of area with simultaneous reduction in the number of farmers and area under rust susceptible wheat varieties. Furthermore, factors influencing the adoption of...
Policy and Development Implications and Way Forward
Wheat rusts remain a challenge for wheat production at national, regional and global levels. Empirical evidence shows the emergence of new races and their quick spread across countries and continents with devastating consequences.In response to...
Containing the Menace of Wheat Rusts: Institutionalized Interventions and Impacts
This book is the grandstand of the collaborative endeavours of diverse stakeholders in addressing the challenges of wheat production and wheat rusts in Ethiopia within the context of the international efforts across Africa and Asia. It provides...
Rapid Deployment of Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties: ICARDA’s Experience and Lessons Learned
ICARDA in collaboration with CIMMYT and/or NARS has developed a number of multi-lateral and bilateral projects to counter the threat of stem rust and yellow rust. This paper summarizes ICARDA’s experiences and lessons learned in implementing...
Promoting Rust-resistant Wheat Varieties and Technologies through Partnership
One of the planned components of the project was technology promotion through demonstration, popularization and on-farm seed production. This chapter documents the approaches, activities, achievements and lessons learned in promoting new rust...
Post-conflict rebuilding of food & agricultural systems: Agricultural know-how, technologies and capacity development sustain peace-building and rural livelihoods
For 40 years, ICARDA has worked with drylands countries to improve the performance of their national agricultural systems. This includes expertise in rebuilding agricultural systems after conflict. Today, ICARDA runs research for development...
Evaluation of CropSyst model for clusterbean under hot arid condition
The study on “Evaluation of Cropsyst model for yield and water productivity of clusterbean” was conducted on farmers field during kharif 2012 at village Mainawali in Hanumangarh district of Rajasthan. The soils of the area are alluvial and...
As climate change increases the risk of crop failure, how do we encourage farmers to invest more in their productive capacity? One potential strategy is the promotion of index-based insurance schemes, which minimize risk and give farmers the...