Increase cucumber yield by protecting native pollinators: Farming with Alternative Pollinators (FAP)
Wild bees, flies, wasps, butterflies and other wild pollinators provide 85% of the pollination services, but in such landscape they don’t find nectar and pollen to cover their needs during the whole year. They also do not have nesting material...
Augmenter le rendement du concombre par la protection des pollinisateurs indigènes: Cultiver par les actions des pollinisateurs indigènes
Les abeilles sauvages, les mouches, les papillons et d’autres pollinisateurs assurent 85% des services de pollinisation. Mais dans ce paysage, ils ne trouvent pas de nectar ni de pollen pour couvrir leurs besoins pendant toute l'année. Ils n'ont...
طريقة مبتكرة لتحسين إنتاج المزارعين و حماية الحشرات الملقحة المحلية الزراعة بالملقحات الحشرية المحلية
يساهم النحل البري، نحل العسل، الدبابير، الفراشات و الملقحات الحشرية البرية الأخرى في توفير 85 % من خدمة التلقيح. لكن في مثل هذا المنظر، تفتقد هذه الأخيرة إلى الرحيق و حبوب اللقاح طيلة السنة . كما تفتقد أدوات و أماكن التعشيش، و مواقع الإيواء ضد...
Characterization of production system and breeding practices of sheep producers in Doyogena district, Southern Ethiopia
An exploratory survey was undertaken in Doyogena district of Southern Nation Nationalities Peoples region of Ethiopia to understand the sheep production system, the breeding practices, selection criteria and sheep production constraints in order...
Assessment of gully erosion using conventional field measurements: A case study from northern Ethiopia
In Ethiopia, one of the poorest countries in the world, soil erosion by water contributes significantly to food insecurity of rural households and represents a real threat to sustainability of the existing subsistence agriculture (Hurni 1993...
ABC Australia interviews Dr. Andrew Noble, Deputy Director Research, ICARDA
International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA) works in a number of fragile countries experiencing conflicts such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan...
A New Wheat Variety to Boost Rainfed Agriculture in Syria
In a significant development for Syria's agricultural sector, the National Committee for New Varieties, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, has officially released a new bread wheat variety named Cham 12, developed and tested by ICARDA in collaboration with GCSAR.
Modeling climate change impact on chickpea production and adaptation options in the semi-arid North-Eastern Ethiopia
The semi-arid north-eastern Ethiopia region is characterized by low and variable rainfall. Terminal drought stress is the major constraint for chickpea production in this region. Climate change has also become one of important up growing issue...
Impacts of Irrigation on Agricultural Productivity in Egypt
This paper investigates the impacts of the main primary production factors (e.g. seed, nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.), on the total production of the main crops produced in Egypt (cotton, berseem, maize, rice and wheat), with special emphasis on...