Bio-energy, water-use efficiency and economics of maize-wheat-mungbean system under precision-conservation agriculture in semi-arid agro-ecosystem
The maize-wheat-mungbean (MWMb) cropping system is being advocated as an alternative to the traditional rice-based cropping systems of north-western Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) to address the is- sues of energy and nutritional scarcity, residue...
أعدت هذه المطبوعة لمساعدة المزارعين المتميزين ومصنعي الألات الزراعية ومختصي الإرشاد الزراعي والباحثين بهدف زيادة معرفتهم بالزراعة الحافظة في الشرق الأوسط وخاصة النواحي العملية في تطبيق مختلف المبادئ الأساسية للزراعة الحافظة في الحقل. وبالرغم من...
A new concept of irrigation response units for effective management of surface and groundwater resources - A case study from the multi-country Fergana valley, Central Asia.
When estimating canal water supplies for largescale irrigation schemes and especially in arid regions worldwide, the impact of all factors affecting the gross irrigation requirements (GIR) are not properly accounted for, which results in...
Conservation Agriculture for combating land degradation in Central Asia: a synthesis
This manuscript reviews scientific findings on agricultural systems, associated land degradation and selected remedies such as Conservation Agricultural (CA) practices to counterbalance these. In particular, this review addresses the research...
Performance of frequently used interpolation methods to predict spatial distribution of selected soil properties in an agricultural watershed in Ethiopia
Soil maps of an agricultural watershed provide a wealth of knowledge and can be a vital tool for implementing site specific soil managements. Hence, watershed based soil assessment was conducted to select an optimum spatial interpolation method...
Modeling streamflow and sediment using SWAT in Ethiopian Highlands
The coincidence of intensive rainfall events at the beginning of the rainy season and unprotected soil conditions after extreme dry spells expose the Ethiopian Highlands to severe soil erosion. Soil and water conservation measures (SWC) have...
Editorial: Improving Water Productivity in Dry Areas
About 41% of the Earth’s land area is classified as dryland wherein the farming system is characterized by approximately 300-500 mm of annual rainfall. The low rainfall, which is not only insufficient but irregular, constitutes a major challenge...
Relative Yield, Profit and Water Productivity of Crops in IGNP Stage-I
The choice of an appropriate crop and cropping systems is essential for achieving higher yield, profit and resource use efficiencies. Yield, returns and water productivity are important factors for determining suitability of crops and cropping...
Barley being the earliest domesticated cereal is one of the major world crops today. Wide adaptation of barley to ecogeographic conditions and higher response to low input and stressful environments make it globally cultivated. The diploid and...
GnRH and prostaglandin-based synchronization protocols as alternatives to progestogen-based treatments in sheep
The study investigated, for cycling sheep, synchronizing protocols simultaneously to the standard “P” protocol using progestogens priming with intravaginal devices and gonadotropin. In November 2014, 90 adult Menz ewes were assigned to either...