Agricultural extension programs often fail to target women effectively. An ICARDA initiative in Tunisia asks why and challenges prevailing constraints.
Strengthening the Participation of Women in Wheat Production Systems
Our understanding of the constraints holding back Africa's women farmers and entrepreneurs is improving - thanks to an ICARDA-managed wheat initiative.
Modeling gross primary production of paddy rice cropland through analyses of data from CO2 eddy flux tower sites and MODIS images
Accurate information on the gross primary production (GPP) of paddy rice cropland is critical for assessing and monitoring rice growing conditions. The eddy co-variance technique was used to measure net ecosystem ex- change (NEE) of CO2 between...
Transition dynamics in state-influenced niche empowerments: Experiences from India's electricity sector
India experiences transitional changes in its electricity sector from fossil fuels towards renewable sources. An electricity sector with 0% wind and solar (of 16 GW total installed capacity) in 1974 has been transformed and reached a status with...
India's on-grid solar power development: Historical transitions, present crossmark status and future driving forces
India with a fast growing demand for electricity and increasing consideration to emissions reduction is investing strongly in renewable electricity generation. Among renewables, the Central and State Governments have set aspirational targets for...
Relay Cropping of Cotton in Standing Wheat: An Innovative Approach for Enhancing the productivity and income of Small Farm
The increasing trend of sowing early Bt cotton as mono crop has reduced the area under wheat crop that leads to decrease of output of per unit area. The experiments were carried out in the same field for two consecutive years during 2012-13 and...
Characterization of spatial variability of soil physicochemical properties and its impact on Rhodes grass productivity
Characterization of soil properties is a key step in understanding the source of spatial variability in the productivity across agricultural fields. A study on a 16 ha field located in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia was undertaken to...