Characterising root trait variability in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) germplasm
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is an important grain legume crop but its sustainable production is challenged by predicted climate changes, which are likely to increase production limitations and uncertainty in yields. Characterising the...
Rainfed Agriculture and Food Security in Dry Areas
The world’s ability to produce enough food to feed the growing population is further constrained by water scarcity, particularly in dry areas. Water is an increasingly scarce resource and the FAO estimates that nearly 1.8 billion people will be...
Mitochondrial DNA D-loop haplogroup contributions to the genetic diversity of East European domestic chickens from Russia
To elucidate geographical and historical aspects of chicken dispersal across Eastern Europe, we analysed the complete mitochondrial DNA D-loop sequence of 86 representatives from chicken breeds traditionally raised in the territory of the East...
Evaluation of desho grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) hay as a basal diet for growing local sheep in Ethiopia
The study was conducted to determine feed intake, digestibility, and body weight (BW) change of Washera sheep fed on desho grass and natural pasture hay as a basal diet and supplemented with concentrate mixtures. Twenty-five intact male sheeps...
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Feed supplementation improves estrus response and increases fertility of sheep induced to breed out of season
To test the efficacy on reproductive performance of nutritional supplementation in an out-of-season mating system, 66 adult prolific Barbarine ewes were selected and induced to breed using “ram effect”. The ewes were allocated to two homogeneous...
Temperature sensitivity of food legumes: a physiological insight
Of the various environmental stresses that a plant can experience, temperature has the widest and most far-reaching effects on legumes. Temperature extremes, both high (heat stress) and low (cold stress), are injurious to plants at all stages of...