Registration of Six Lentil Germplasm Lines with Resistance to Vascular Wilt
Lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) germplasm lines, ILL 422, ILL 813, ILL 1220, ILL 1462, lLL 2313, and ILL 2684 (Reg. no. GP‐7 to GP‐12, PI 612876 to PI 612881), were released by the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas...
Japan has made an important contribution to restoring and rehabilitating degraded land in CWANA through its support to ICARDA’s work on the improvement of native pastures and rangelands, and the nutrition and management of small ruminants. Not...
High mutation rate and mutational bias at (TAA)n microsatellite loci in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)
Microsatellites, very short tandemly repeated DNA sequences, are being extensively used in evolutionary genetics and molecular breeding of crop plants, because of their high degree of allelic variability, which is presumably caused by a high...
Caravan 14: Information and Communication Technology
This issue of Caravan focuses on the use that ICARDA is making of information technologies to improve the lives of people in the world's dry areas. ICARDA uses different information technology tools such as expert systems, geographic information...
Reduction of incidence of three persistently transmitted aphid-borne viruses affecting legume crops by seed-treatment with the insecticide imidacloprid (Gaucho®)
The effectiveness of using seed treatment with imidacloprid (Gaucho®) to reduce the incidence of Bean leaf roll virus (BLRV, family Luteoviridae), Faba bean necrotic yellows virus (FBNYV, genus Nanovirus) and Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV, family...
Evaluation of a collection of wild wheat relative Aegilops geniculata Roth and identification of potential sources for useful traits
A collection comprising 157 Aegilops geniculata accessionsoriginating from different ecogeographical regions was established atENSA-INRA, Montpellier. The accessions were studied for physiologicaltraits related to drought and heat stress and...
Assessment of genotypic variation among cultivated durum wheat based on EST-SSRS and genomic SSRS
Genotypic variation of 64 durum lines, landraces, and varieties wereinvestigated using three sources of microsatellites (SSRs). 245 primer pairswere used to detect polymorphism in this collection. A total of 42polymorphic SSR primer pairs...
Survey for viruses in lentil and chickpea crops in Pakistan
In an intensive survey of lentil and chickpea fields and research stations plots carried out in the Punjab province of Pakistan in 1997, more than 6505 plant samples were collected and tested by tissue-blot immunoassay (TBIA) for the presence of...
Response of two varieties of lentil to soil salinity
Two varieties of lentil were grown in tanks filled with clay, and were irrigated with waters containing three different levels of salinity. Salinity affected the germination and survival of the seedlings; the pre-dawn leaf-water potential and...