Aphanothece sp. as promising biostimulant to alleviate heavy metals stress in Solanum lycopersicum L. by enhancing physiological, biochemical, and metabolic responses
Heavy metals (H.M) are a major environmental concern around the world. They have harmful impact on plant productivity and pose a serious risk to humans and animals health. In the present study, we investigated the effect of Aphanothece crude...
Due to the risk of occurrence of several food-related diseases, quality control of the human-consumed products is particularly needed. For this purpose, elemental analysis is a useful analytical tool that provides information on the nutritional...
Marker-assisted introgression of fecundity mutation into Barbarine sheep breed under low input production system
Fecundity gene introgression has become an economical method to improve sheep prolificacy in developing countries. The FecXBar and FecGH mutations are variants of the BMP15 and GDF9 sheep genes, respectively, identified in Tunisian Barbarine...
Effective data management is a game changer for smallholder sheep and goat breeding programs
An innovative and easy-to-use digital tool (DTREO) has helped transform the lives of goat and sheep breeders through data collection to support decisions on selecting superior males for breeding and access to new market opportunities.
Unclasping potentials of genomics and gene editing in chickpea to fight climate change and global hunger threat
Genomics and genome editing promise enormous opportunities for crop improvement and elementary research. Precise modification in the specific targeted location of a genome has profited over the unplanned insertional events which are generally...
Microbial functional genes within soil aggregates drive organic carbon mineralization under contrasting tillage practices
Soil organic carbon (SOC) transformation is susceptible to tillage practices. Conservation tillage is known to optimize soil structure, improve microbial community diversity and increase SOC storage. However, how soil aggregate distribution and...
Understanding pastoralists’ preferences for goat traits: Application of all-levels and end-point choice experiments
Pastoralists are generally known for carefully selecting and maintaining their livestock. In this study, we examine the preferences of pastoralists for goat traits. We employ discrete choice experiments of all levels and endpoints to investigate...
CGIAR’s new F2R-CWANA Initiative develops the capacity of the National Agriculture Research (NARS) scientists in areas key to each countries’ agricultural development agenda.
Drought-tolerant and water use efficient forage production in drylands
Across global drylands, forage crops (animal feed as pasture, crop residue, or cereal) are essential to smallholder farmers to sustain their livestock throughout the year, especially in winter, when animal grazing may be restricted. By...
ICARDA’s RIDE (Restoration Initiative on Dryland Ecosystems) team addresses land degradation in dryland ecosystems. RIDE targets biophysical processes but focuses on drivers and potential solutions to degradation that consider socio-economic aspects and community-based solutions.