Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in HSP17.8 and Their Association with Agronomic Traits in Barley
Small heat shock protein 17.8 (HSP17.8) is produced abundantly in plant cells under heat and other stress conditions and may play an important role in plant tolerance to stress environments. However, HSP17.8 may be differentially expressed in...
Global Lentil Production: Constraints and Strategies
Lentil (Lens culinaris ssp. culinaris) is an important food legume crop with global production of 3.59 million tonnes. The crop suffers substantial yield losses from various biotic and abiotic stresses. Past efforts have been directed towards...
Lentils (Lens Culinaris L.): Linking whole foods for better human health
The failure to link current agricultural production with human nutritional needs has led to the development of unhealthy food systems, which cause both malnutrition and chronic diseases. Malnutrition is responsible for the deaths of 30% of...
Combining Ascochyta blight resistance and high yield in lentil cultivars
Ascochyta blight (AB), caused by Ascochyta lentis Bond and Vassil, is a major disease of lentil (Lens culinaris L. Medik.) causing 30–70% yield losses in Canada, USA, and Australia and northern parts of India. The aim of the present study was to...
Satellite-based technique of global positioning systems (GPS) is useful for tracking long-distance livestock movement across the grazing routes md to study the specific needs of livestock herders. There are two kinds of GPS tracking systems...
Unconventional feeds for small ruminants in dry areas have a minor effect on manure nitrogen flow in the soil–plant system
In dry areas, unconventional feeds are increasingly used for mitigating feed shortages and rangeland degradation. We evaluated how feeding sheep diets containing olive leaves, saltbush leaves and olive cake affects manure quality compared to a...
For ICARDA, 2012 has been a time of change and evolution. We have been busy tackling the many issues of dryland agriculture and global food production against a backdrop of focusing our efforts as a force for change for people living in the...
Integrated joint pest management strategies in the presence of control spillovers
ntegrated pest management has proved cost-effective in coping with crop pests. This article identifies characteristics of pests, controls and economic incentives that may make the development of an integrated joint pest management (IJPM)...
Multi-environment QTL analyses for drought-related traits in a recombinant inbred population of chickpea (Cicer arientinum L.)
A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, comprising 181 lines derived from ILC588 × ILC3279, was evaluated in 10 environments across three locations with different moisture gradients. A drought resistance score (DRS) and three phenology...
Caravan 28: Research that works for people and communities
Agricultural research for development: meeting the challenge of bringing science to farmers. This issue of Caravan looks to the field to present approaches and examples that have been developed through our research with partners in many dryland...