Development of Feed Legumes as Suitable Crops for the Drylands of Iran
This Working Paper reviews the current knowledge on feed legumes development in drylands of Iran and presents the results of studies done by the Iran’s Dryland Agricultural Research Institute (DARI) in different agro-climatic zones of the...
Ties that Bind: China and ICARDA. A productive partnership spanning three decades
ICARDA’s collaboration with China has grown steadily since the early 1980s and now incorporates a wide range of activities – from capacity development to crop improvement and the exchange of germplasm. Focused on strategic crops, including wheat...
Breeding progress for yield in winter wheat genotypes targeted to irrigated environments of the CWANA region
The international winter wheat improvement program (IWWIP), an alliance between Turkey–CIMMYT–ICARDA, has distributed improved germplasm to different National Agricultural Research Systems (NARS) partners through international nurseries and...
Income, Education and Age effects on Meat and Fish Demand in Tunisia
Socio-economic and demographic variables can have a deep impact of the demand for food. The objective of this work is to analyze how these variables can affect the demand for meat and fish for Tunisian consumers. This study covers two important...
The existing smoothing algorithms like mean, median, majority/mode filters are not efficient in smoothing the classified image derived from the satellite data. Mean filter alters original class pattern and also it is influenced by the outliers...
The emerging small-scale cattle farming sector in Uzbekistan: Highly integrated with crop production but suffering from low productivity
Even two decades after independence in 1991, the agricultural sector of Uzbekistan remains regulated by the government, prescribing the number of cattle head per agricultural area or imposing mandatory cash crops. The policy makers are...
Influence of experience on intake and feeding behavior of dairy sheep when offered forages from woody plants in a multiple-choice situation1
A satisfactory intake of novel lowquality forages by ruminants may require previous experience with this feed. Therefore, this study tested in sheep whether experience with forages from woody plants had an influence on feed intake, feeding...
Variation at the vernalisation genes Vrn‑H1 and Vrn‑H2 determines growth and yield stability in barley (Hordeum vulgare) grown under dryland conditions in Syria
The objective of the present study was to identify QTL influencing agronomic performance in rain-fed Mediterranean environments in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population, ARKE derived from the Syrian barley landrace, Arta and the Australian...
Performance Indicators for Wastewater Reuse Systems in Gaza Governorates
The purpose of the study was to apply performance indicators on wastewater reuse in the Palestinian Territories (Gaza) to assess on the impact of waste water and grey water projects on the ambient environment, labor costs and consumers in terms...
Digital elevation models (DEM) can be used to derive a wealth of information about land surface morphology. When analyzed using GIS information about stream channels and watersheds it can determine the flow of water over the Earth’s surface...