Changes in climate patterns are already having their most acute effect on people living in the world’s dry areas – including the Near East and North Africa.
ICARDA’s Genetic Resources Section (GRS), supported by the Global Crop Diversity Trust, has been organizing collecting missions to previously unexplored parts of Greece.
Date palm: a strategic crop for the Arabian Peninsula
In order to improve the region’s date palm production, ICARDA’s Arabian Peninsula Regional Program (APRP) has initiated a series of capacity strengthening events.
Tracking the dynamics of paddy rice planting area in 1986–2010 through time series Landsat images and phenology-based algorithms
Agricultural land use change substantially affects climate,water, ecosystems, biodiversity, and humanwelfare. In recent decades, due to increasing population and food demand and the backdrop of global warming, croplands have been expanding into...
A region-wide vision for Jordan's 'Badia' will address production constraints on a large-scale, while exploiting opportunities for development and growth.
Relative resistance of Menz and Washera sheep breeds to artificial infection with Haemonchus contortus in the highlands of Ethiopia
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relative resistance of Menz and Washera sheep breeds to artificial infection with Haemonchus contortus. The challenge trial was conducted at the Debre Berhan Agricultural Research Center in Ethiopia. A...
Genetic analyses of malting quality characters in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)
The present study was undertaken to delineate the nature of gene effects, epistasis type and estimation of genetic parameters in barley. Mean hectolitre weight, grain protein content and malt friability were exhibited as 58.45 kg/hl, 10.27 and...
Simulating groundwater dynamics using FEFLOW groundwater model under complex irrigation and drainage network of dryland ecosystems of Central Asia
Surface and groundwater resources are often conjunctively used to cope with water scarcity in irrigated agriculture. Farmers in the dryland ecosystems of central Asia also utilize shallow groundwater in addition to surface water withdrawn from...