Growing strategic avenues that guarantee a strong, solid future for ICARDA
The 57th ICARDA Board of Trustees meeting officially opened in Beirut on November 15 under the auspices of Lebanon’s Minister of Agriculture, His Excellency Dr. Akram Chehayeb.
ICARDA’s decentralization strategy generates new partnerships and alliances
ICARDA’s decentralization strategy is in full swing and the Board was updated on partnership developments conducted under the decentralization scheme over the past six months.
ICARDA’s strategic role in the next generation of CGIAR Research Programs
The 57th Board of Trustees meeting provided an opportunity for ICARDA’s scientists to present progress made by the Center in its engagement with different CRPs.
ICARDA bids farewell to Dr. Theib Oweis and Ms. Khar Hoay Tan
During ICARDA’s 57th Board of Trustees meeting in Beirut, ICARDA said goodbye to IWLMP Director Dr. Theib Oweis and Ms. Khar Hoay Tan, Human Resources Director.
Strengthening national seed systems for household food security in developing countries
This report is a synthesis of the research and development work done in past years by ICARDA’s Seed Section of Biodiversity and Integrated Gene Management, with a number of partner countries in Africa and Asia to improve the performance of...
Genetic variation in winter barley and selection of high yielding lines
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) is an important crop with excellent nutritious feed and food grain. Winter barley, in particular, is predominantly grown in highland under rainfed systems due to its ability to tolerate cold. However, it has low...
Les performances des petites exploitations irriguées de la basse vallée de la Medjerda en Tunisie
Malgre´ les efforts de la recherche et les multiples interventions desE´ tats, la productivite´ des ressources en eau, terre et capital, reste souvent limite´e, notamment en Tunisie. Cette e´tude pre´sente un cadre d’analyse des performances des...
Characterization and Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Wild Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) in Jordan
This study was conducted to survey and characterize wild populations of date palm in Jordan. Phenotypic parameters either vegetative, leaf morphology, physical and chemical properties of fruits, and genetic diversity within and among populations...