Genetic Analysis for Some Quantitative Traits in some populations of Faba Bean
Five populations of faba bean were advanced from F2 to F3 generations by simple recurrent selection at Terbol research station, International Centre for Agricultural Research in The Dry Areas (ICARDA), Lebanon. During the growing season summer...
Morphological and molecular genetic diversity of Syrian indigenous goat populations
Domestic goats in Syria may provide an interesting source of genetic variability due to its proximity to the centers of domestication. This study aimed to assess the morphological variation, genetic diversity and population substructure of the...
Chapter Three - Climate Change and Agriculture: Adaptation Strategies and Mitigation Opportunities for Food Security in South Asia and Latin America
During the past two centuries, the world has witnessed a remarkable increase in the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases (GHGs), namely carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O), as a result of human activities...
نداء عالمي لقادة العلوم سعيًا لسياسات أفضل حول البقول
تم هذا الإسبوع افتتاح المؤتمر الدولي حول البقول للصحة والتغذية والزراعة المستدامة في المناطق الجافة لعام 2016 18 نيسان / أبريل 2016، الرباط، المغرب - تم اليوم افتتاح المؤتمر الدولي حول البقول للصحة والتغذية والزراعة المستدامة في المناطق الجافة...
Les leaders scientifiques mondiaux appellent à de meilleures politiques au sujet des légumineuses
La Conférence internationale en 2016 au sujet des légumineuses visant sur la santé, la nutrition et l'agriculture durable dans les zones arides a été lancée aujourd'hui
Le 18 Avril, 2016, à Rabath, Maroc - La Conférence internationale en 2016...
Pulses are Nutrition Rich and Affordable for the Poor
Dilrukshi Thavarajah, assistant professor at Clemson University, USA, sees ICP 2016 as a way to increase awareness of pulses’ nutritional qualities that combat micro-nutrient deficiencies and obesity.
The ICP Hopes to Create a Roadmap for Pulses for the Next 5-10 years
Rajeev Varshney, Global Research Program Director of Genetic Gains at ICRISAT, voices his hopes and thoughts on why ICP 2016 will affect the future of pulses.