Quantification of Agricultural Water Productivity at Field Scale and Its Implication in On-Farm Water Management
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is under extreme water shortage conditions. About 80 % of water in KSA is utilized by the agricultural sector; therefore, proper management of irrigation water is required to produce more food from less water...
Assessing the Impact of Salinity on Resource Use Efficiency in Wheat Production in Central Iraq
The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of salinity on resource use efficiency in wheat production in central Iraq using a cross-sectional database of 270 farmers. A parametric approach used to estimate a frontier of production...
Leaf Expansion and Transpiration Response to Soil Drying and Recovery among Cowpea Genotypes
Sensitivity of leaf expansion to water-defcit conditions could have a major infuence on C assimilation rate and water loss rate under developing drought conditions. While cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) is commonly grown in more arid regions...
Selecting Lentil Accessions for Global Selenium Biofortification
The biofortification of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus.) has the potential to provide adequate daily selenium (Se) to human diets. The objectives of this study were to (1) determine how low-dose Se fertilizer application at germination affects...
Application of remote sensing in estimating maize grain yield in heterogeneous African agricultural landscapes
Maize (Zea mays L.) is the second most commonly grown crop worldwide and number one staple food in Africa where it accounts for more than 50% of the energy requirements. However, despite its widespread cultivation and the significance of maize...
Investigating rangeland degradation and restoration
A workshop that modelled and predicted runoff and erosion rates using a web-based tool has strengthened the capacity of national partners so they can more effectively reverse degradation and desertification.