Molecular variance and population structure of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) landraces from Mediterranean countries as revealed by simple sequence repeat DNA markers: implications for conservation and use
The Mediterranean region has a rich history of domestication and cultivation of lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.). Landraces have been grown and repeatedly selected by local farmers under different agro-environments. Characterization of molecular...
Design and Analysis Water Management Experiments funded by JICA
Terbol, Lebanon
Gene bank and Germplasm funded by AFESD and JICA
Amman, Jordan
Agricultural water economics and management: Principles and practices funded by JICA
Zaragoza, Spain
Restoration of Degraded Drylands and Monitoring of Desertification Processes
We would like tobring to your attention an advance training course on RESTORATION OF DEGRADED DRYLANDS AND MONITORING OF DESERTIFICATION PROCESSES” to be held in Zaragoza (Spain), next 5-10 February 2018. For more information please visit http:/...
Advanced Experimental Designs and Statistical Analysis for Breeding and Agronomic Trials
October 05, 2017
Adoption and Factors Affecting Farmer’s Adoption of Technologies in Farming System: A Case Study of Improved Technologies in ICARDA’s Arabian Peninsula Regional Program
The main objective of this study is to assess the rate of adoption of innovations introduced by the Arabian Peninsula Regional Program (APRP) of ICARDA and identify main constraints that limit the adoption process of these new technologies in...
Are Development Projects Pursuing Short-Term Benefits at the Expense of Sustainability?
When evaluated purely on financial grounds, most developmental interventions targeting the livestock sector exhibit a positive impact. This study also provides empirical evidence that a project which provided loans to livestock producers in...