جعل العمالة الزراعية للمرأة المصرية واضحة وتحسين وصولها إلى الأصول الإنتاجية
ُفي المناطق الريفية في مصر، تؤطر الأعراف الاجتماعية النساء “كمساعدات” لأسرهن وأزواجهن بدلاً من كونهن عاملات بحد ذاتهن. يفترض بالنساء عدم المساهمة في الزراعة أو المشاركة في الري. ومع ذلك، فقد تحدثت سلسلة من الدراسات الحديثة التي أجرتها إيكاردا...
Improving livelihoods among farmers and refugees in Lebanon
A water supply and management project is supporting host communities in a country where resources have been over-utilized and basic services stretched.
Plant breeders are often interested in improving several quantitative traits including yield, quality, and resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses simultaneously. However, breeding for multiple traits together is challenging and largely...
Conflict not only takes a toll on human life but can also threaten the survival of agricultural production systems. Post-conflict countries are often forced to contend with widespread devastation and significant levels of poverty, hunger, and...
Confronted with extreme temperatures, widespread land degradation, and increasing water scarcity, dryland farmers often struggle to raise their productivity and yields. Production of staple crops such as pulses, wheat, and barley is limited in...
Genome-Wide Variation, Candidate Regions and Genes Associated With Fat Deposition and Tail Morphology in Ethiopian Indigenous Sheep
Variations in body weight and in the distribution of body fat are associated with feed availability, thermoregulation, and energy reserve. Ethiopia is characterized by distinct agro-ecological and human ethnic farmer diversity of ancient origin...
Making Egyptian women’s agricultural labor visible and improving their access to productive assets
In rural Egypt, social norms frame women as “helpers” to their families and husbands instead of as workers in their own right. Women are assumed not to contribute to agriculture or participate in irrigation. However, a series of recent studies...
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