Genetic diversity and structure of a barley collection predominatly from North African region
The cultivated barley ranks fourth cereal crop in the world. The demand for higher-yielding, nutritious, and better-adapted crop varieties has increased the need to exploit genebanks diversity. Thus, assessing the genetic diversity of barley is...
Farming with Alternative Pollinators benefits pollinators, natural enemies, and yields, and offers transformative change to agriculture
Low- and middle-income countries cannot afford reward-based land sparing for wildflower strips to combat pollinator decline. Two small-grant projects assessed, if an opportunity-cost saving land-sharing approach, Farming with Alternative...
Distribution and identification of luteovirids affecting chickpea in Sudan
In Sudan yellowing viruses are key production constraints in pulse crops. Field surveys were carried out to identify luteovirids affecting chickpea crops in the major production regions (Gezira Scheme and River Nile State). A total of 415...
Toward territorialised dairy inclusive businesses: insights from an Egyptian case study: making dairy businesses inclusive
Building inclusive businesses with small-scale producers in the agro-food sector presents challenges, most notably in terms of governance and sustainability. These issues were explored through a Danone Egypt Ecosystem Project that sought to...
Aloe vera L. (Asphodelaceae): Supplementation of in-vitro culture medium with Aloe vera gel for production of genetically stable plants
As in vitro culture environments can be mutagenic, it's challenging to produce true-to-true type plants from meristems. Therefore, the present study aimed to devlop an efficient protocol for micropropagation from shoot tip explants of...
Selection of Lentil (Lens culunaris L.) Lines Grown at Different Sowing Dates for Their Precocity and Their Agronomic Performance under Semi-arid Climate of Tunisia
Background: In Tunisia, water deficit and heat stress during the end of cycle are more frequent and causes significant yield losses. Selection of short cycle lines could be a good solution to escape the effect of heat and drought during the end...
Food Losses and Wastage along the Wheat Value Chain in Egypt and Their Implications on Food and Energy Security, Natural Resources, and the Environment
Pushing yield frontiers of cereals and legumes is becoming increasingly difficult, especially in drylands. This paper argues and provides empirical evidence that food loss and wastage constitute a sizeable proportion of the total wheat supply in...
Estimation of co-variance components, genetic parameters and genetic trends of reproductive traits in community-based breeding program of Bonga sheep in Ethiopia
Objective The objectives of the study were to evaluate reproductive performance and selection response through genetic trend of community-based breeding programs (CBBPs) of Bonga sheep. Methods Reproduction traits data collected between 2012 and...
2020 was a year full of challenges. Between COVID-19 and the intensifying impact of the climate crisis, farmers faced unprecedented threats and obstacles to their livelihoods, particularly in vulnerable dry regions. Thanks to the fantastic...
Genomics-assisted lentil breeding: Current status and futurestrategies
Genomics-assisted breeding has become a powerful tool to develop high-yielding climate-resilient varieties for adaptation to adverse environmental conditions such as heat and drought stresses. Previously, efforts have been made to develop...