ICARDA Annual Report 2020

2020 was a year full of challenges. Between COVID-19 and the intensifying impact of the climate crisis, farmers faced unprecedented threats and obstacles to their livelihoods, particularly in vulnerable dry regions.
Thanks to the fantastic support of all our donors, CGIAR partners, and in-country stakeholders, ICARDA made great progress in delivering resilient livelihoods to dryland family farmers. We have gathered our 2020 achievements and impact highlights in the Annual Report.
Our work on climate-smart crops, genebanks, and international nurseries continued largely unaffected due to the vital support of donors and partners. Research, delivery, and training packages meant new and past improved crops varieties continue to flourish under climate change to boost yields and income throughout the region.
Our sustainable crop and livestock programs, again with the support of our donors and partners, gained strength across Ethiopia, Sudan, and beyond. Our research delivered hardier, more productive community herds, the means to grow forage sustainably, and the social and economic insights needed to create more employment opportunities.
Our land, soils, and water teams continue to restore soil quality and biodiversity throughout the region by upscaling pioneering and innovative approaches that protect and sustainably manage valuable water sources.
Above all, 2020 highlighted our long-term host country arrangements and the trust we have built with partners and donors over four decades in the CWANA region and beyond. Under a united One CGIAR, we will be uniquely placed to improve food and water security for dryland family farmers and progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Regardless of the 2020 challenges, we see a bright and unified future.