3D Printing Technology as An Effective Solution To Build The Faba Bean Seed Meter Plate With Various Materials
The difference in some dimensions of the seeds prevents the optimal determination of the dimensions and shape of the holes in the feeding device, which reduces the efficiency of seed distribution during planting. The design and building of...
Innovations in Agronomic Management for Adaptation to Climate Change in Legume Cultivation
Climate change has significant impacts on agriculture and has the potential to further impact it through changing rainfall patterns, drought, floods, increases in average high temperature, and other climatic factors. The negative effects of...
Pathways for improving rangeland governance under constraining land tenure systems: Application of a participatory Bayesian Belief approach
This paper analyzes the complex relationships of factors influencing rangeland governance in the arid areas. A Bayesian Belief Network (BBN) model was developed in a participatory way to illustrate and assess the weight of a combination of...
Phytochemical Profiling and Untargeted Metabolite Fingerprinting of the MEDWHEALTH Wheat, Barley and Lentil Wholemeal Flours
An important research target is improving the health benefits of traditional Mediterranean, durum wheat-based foods using innovative raw materials. In this study, we characterised wholemeal flours obtained from a traditional durum wheat cv...
Yield potentials of improved rice varieties for increased lowland rice production within the mankran watershed in Ghana
ice production in Ghana is limited by low varietal choices, which puts farmers at a disadvantage in meeting the market demand for consumers. The objectives of this study were to (i) assess the yield potentials of improved rice varieties...
Estimates of Food Losses and Wastes at Each Node of the Wheat Value Chain in Morocco: Implications on Food and Energy Security, Natural Resources, and Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Several research and development efforts have been made to ensure food security in developing countries. Dissemination of improved agricultural technologies was used as the main avenue through which some increases in food supply have been...
Characterization of a Collection of Colored Lentil Genetic Resources Using a Novel Computer Vision Approach
The lentil (Lens culinaris Medik.) is one of the major pulse crops cultivated worldwide. However, in the last decades, lentil cultivation has decreased in many areas surrounding Mediterranean countries due to low yields, new lifestyles, and...
Wheat breeding for Hessian fly resistance at ICARDA
Hessian fly (HF), Mayetiola destructor (Say) is an important pest of wheat in North Africa, North America, Southern Europe, Northern Kazakhstan, Northwestern China, and New Zealand. It can cause up to 30% yield losses and sometimes can result in...
Rangeland restoration in Jordan: Restoring vegetation cover by water harvesting measures
Restoration of the degraded rangelands in Jordan using mechanized water harvesting and native species planting has become key to enhancing and maintaining the productivity and resilience of fragile ecosystems. A balanced interaction between the...