3D Printing Technology as An Effective Solution To Build The Faba Bean Seed Meter Plate With Various Materials

The difference in some dimensions of the seeds prevents the optimal determination of the dimensions and shape of
the holes in the feeding device, which reduces the efficiency of seed distribution during planting. The design and
building of metering plates suitable for the faba bean seeds from material that is affordable and appropriate for the
environmental and operational conditions during their onset on the land to cultivate the crop and enhance
productivity. The plates were built by 3D printing by Tanta Motors - Egypt and tested at the Department of
Agricultural Engineering - Faculty of Agriculture, Egypt. This research study was conducted for the design and
development of plates. The discs were designed and built through a series of processes that were defined and plotted
in proportion to the main dimensions and shape index of the seed. The materials analysis was tested by
(Solidworks). Changes in materials (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene- Polyamide Nylon and Thermoplastic
polyurethane) and shape index 1.7674 and 1.8782 were tested at Stress, displacement, Strain analysis, mesh,
Deformation, and plate safety factor. Moreover, the simulation results indicated that the computational values were
in agreement with the theoretical values. They all showed that the model and boundary conditions were correct and
logical, and would provide a scientific basis for the optimal design.