Genetic diversity of Pinus brutia in Syria as revealed by DNA markers
Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) and amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLPs) were used to estimate the genetic diversity between and within 21 populations of Pinus brutia collected from five different regions of Syria. After...
The ARC-Libya/ICARDA partnership started in the 1980s and was mainly within the context of the support to countries in the Maghreb Region. Mutual collaboration between Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco was backed by ICARDA with technical...
Use of covariance structures for temporal errors in the analysis of a three-course wheat rotation and tillage trial
Crop rotation serves as a mechanism for developing sustainable crop production systems. Croprotation trials are used to identify agronomic input factors suitable for use in a cropping system. In crop-rotation trials, experimental errors within...
Seed priming enhances germination and seedling growth of barley under conditions of P and Zn deficiency
Low‐input production of barley on the predominantly calcareous soils in most countries of West Asia and North Africa is affected by drought and a low availability of P and Zn. Especially during the early growth stages, P and Zn deficiencies...
Strong partnerships with national agricultural research systems and other stakeholders constitute the backbone of ICARDA’s research agenda. The outreach programs of the Center play a key role in promoting partnerships in their respective sub...
Conservation of microsatellite flanking sequences in different taxa of Leguminosae
To test if locus-specific microsatellite markers designed for one genus are informative when used with related genera, the conservation of microsatellite-flanking intergeneric primer binding sites was tested in the closely related tribes Vicieae...
Embryo Development and Egg Hatching of Sitona crinitus Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) under Constant Temperature Regimes
The effect of constant temperatures (5, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35°C) on embryo development period and percentage of egg hatching of S. crinitus Herbst was determined in the laboratory. A significant negative relationship (P 0.05; r = - 0.84)...
The collaboration between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and ICARDA dates back to their inception in 1977, and their activities have been intertwined ever since. IFAD has been a key supporter of ICARDA's research...
First Report of Chickpea Chlorotic Dwarf Virus Infecting Spring Chickpea in Syria
During May 2003, a high incidence of symptoms suggestive of virus infection in spring chickpea were observed in many fields in Al-Ghab Valley, Syria, the ICARDA farm (near Aleppo, Syria), as well as in other locations in northern Syria...
Pathogenic and genetic characterization of Algerian isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis by RAPD and AFLP analysis
Thirty-two isolates of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lentis were isolated from wilted lentil plants collected from different lentil growing areas in north-west Algeria. A pathogenicity test was performed for all isolates. Results indicated that the...