Ties that Bind: IFAD and ICARDA

The collaboration between the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and ICARDA dates back to their inception in 1977, and their activities have been intertwined ever since.
IFAD has been a key supporter of ICARDA's research targeting the poor, and, as a result, much has been accomplished that would otherwise have been impossible. ICARDA's research funded by IFAD has helped resource-poor farmers by increasing crop yields in their fields, providing improved measures for crop protection, and preventing environmental degradation in the dry areas.
IFAD has not only supported ICARDA's research projects but also the establishment of its infrastructure. In the 1980s, when ICARDA was looking for financial support to construct its main-station buildings at Tel-Hadya, near Aleppo, Syria, IFAD generously provided financial support to the Center to establish its own home. Thus, ICARDA sees IFAD as one of its founding partners.
The report includes several examples of partnerships between ICARDA and IFAD.