Ties that Bind: ICARDA in Central Asia and the Caucasus. A Decade of Achievements
ICARDA and the Central Asian and the Caucasian countries are now collaborating in a wide range of research programs under five themes: (1) germplasm enhancement; (2) natural resource management; (3) feed and livestock management; (4) genetic...
Faba bean productivity under rainfed and supplemental irrigation in northern Syria
Faba bean (Vici faba L.) is one of the major winter-sown legume crops grown in the Mediterranean region, and has considerable importance as a low-cost food rich in proteins and carbohydrates. The period during which the crop's evaporative demand...
Salt tolerance analysis of chickpea, faba bean and durum wheat varieties I. Chickpea and faba bean
Two varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) and faba bean (Vicia faba), differing in drought tolerance according to the classification of the International Center for Agronomic Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), were irrigated with waters of...
Salt tolerance analysis of chickpea, faba bean and durum wheat varieties II. Durum wheat
Seven varieties of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum), provided by ICARDA, were tested in a greenhouse experiment for their salt tolerance. Afterwards two varieties, differing in salt tolerance, were irrigated with waters of three different...
Ties that Bind: Turkey and ICARDA. Collaboration in Agricultural Research since 1977
Turkey is located in the Fertile Crescent, an area in the Mediterranean region where, some 10,000 years ago, barley, wheat, lentil, pea, flax and vetch were domesticated—indicating the country's rich experience in agricultural production. Though...
Clay minerals, Ca/Mg ratio and fe-al-oxides in relation to structural stability, hydraulic conductivity and soil erosion in southeastern Turkey
Studies of clay mineralogy and related chemical composition are rarely connected with implications for soil management in the field. However, this study attempts to manifest the practical utilization of analytical data for determining the...
Crop row spacing and its influence on the partitioning of evapotranspiration by winter-grown wheat in Northern Syria
A study was conducted during the 1996–97 crop growth season at ICARDA in northern Syria, to investigate the influence of wheat canopy architecture on the partitioning of moisture between soil evaporation and crop transpiration, on a soil with...
Ties that Bind: Algeria and ICARDA Twenty-Five Years of Collaboration
The partnership between ICARDA and Algeria was further strengthened with the signing, in September 1986, of an agreement of collaboration between Algeria's Ministry of Agriculture and ICARDA. This has led to several projects including those on...
Cooperation, collective action and natural resources management in Burkina Faso
This paper presents a detailed description of the applied methodology used to study collective action in natural resource management. Data were collected in 48 villages in northeastern Burkina Faso, at the community, institutional, household and...
Caravan 20-21: Review of agriculture in the dry areas
This issue of Caravan provides examples of the impact of ICARDA's collaborative research activities and expanding partnerships on improving livelihoods in the dry areas. In this issue: a) Special Report: ICARDA and the Millennium Development...