Caravan 20-21: Review of agriculture in the dry areas

This issue of Caravan provides examples of the impact of ICARDA's collaborative research activities and expanding partnerships on improving livelihoods in the dry areas. In this issue:
a) Special Report: ICARDA and the Millennium Development Goals.
b) ICARDA Hosts Key CGIAR Meetings.
c) Inaugural Meeting of the Science Council.
d) Meeting of the Center Board Chairs (CBC).
e) Meeting of the Center Directors Committee (CDC).
f) Ties that Bind: IFAD President Visits ICARDA.
g) Taking Research to Fields in Iran: Wheat Self-Sufficiency in Sight.
h) Breeding Barley for Resistance to Fusarium Head Blight.
i) IPM Options for Increased Wheat and Chickpea Production in Morocco.
j) ICARDA in Pakistan: Improving Livelihoods in the Barani (dry) Tract.