Enhancing the productivity of high-magnesium soil and water resources in Central Asia through the application of phosphogypsum
Recent evidences from some irrigated areas worldwide, such as Central Asia, suggest that water used for irrigation contains magnesium (Mg2+) at levels higher than calcium (Ca2+). Excess levels of Mg2+ in irrigation water and/or in soil, in...
Modification of the FAO‐56 spreadsheet program for scheduling supplemental irrigation of winter crops in a Mediterranean climate
Population growth and urbanization are increasing demands on limited renewable water resources in the Mediterranean region. Irrigation is a major water user, and so there has been increased effort to improve its efficiency. Using supplemental...
Managing salinity and waterlogging in the Indus Basin of Pakistan
Waterlogging and salinization are major impediment to the sustainability of irrigated lands and livelihoods of the farmers, especially the smallholders, in the affected areas of the Indus Basin. These problems are the result of a multitude of...
Alternative Cropping Systems to Control Soil Erosion in the Arid to Semi-Arid Areas of Jordan
Land degradation caused by water erosion affects large areas of the world. In the arid regions, erosion is accentuated by fragile environmental conditions and limited economic and/or technical mitigation alternatives. Cropping systems are seen...
Drought management and planning strategies in semi-arid and arid agro-pastoral systems of West Asia and North Africa: A review
This study showed that indigenous and local community strategies of drought management are no longer effective in coping with drought and the action plans that have been launched by the governments to manage this climatic hazard are mostly...
Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Agronomic Considerations
Under water scarce conditions and in the absence of alternative sources, wastewater generated by domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors is used worldwide to irrigate a range of crops. The sustainable use of wastewater is subject to...
Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Saline and Sodic Waters
Irrigation with urban wastewater is a popular alternative to its discharge into rivers or other water bodies. In addition to organic solutes, wastewater may contain appreciable amounts of inorganic salts, metals, metalloids, detergents...
ICARDA witnessed several important developments in 2006. Of these, the Fifth External Program and Management Review (EPMR) was the most significant, as it provided a comprehensive assessment of the Center's global activities, as well as new...