Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Agronomic Considerations

Published Date
December 26, 2007
Book Chapter
Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Agronomic Considerations
Manzoor Qadir
Liqa Raschid-Sally, Pay Drechsel

Under water scarce conditions and in the absence of alternative sources, wastewater generated by domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors is used worldwide to irrigate a range of crops. The sustainable use of wastewater is subject to reducing public health and environment risks, and applying appropriate agronomic practices, which can be divided into four major categories: (1) crop selection and diversification, (2) irrigation water management, (3) soil-based interventions, and (4) other considerations for health risk reduction. The agronomic interventions are interrelated and implicate each other. The awareness of farmers about the best agronomic practices is essential in sustainable wastewater irrigation.

Manzoor Qadir, Liqa Raschid-Sally, Pay Drechsel. (26/12/2007). Wastewater Use in Agriculture: Agronomic Considerations, in "Encyclopedia of Water Science, Second Edition ". United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Taylor & Francis (CRC Press).
soil management
water scarcity