Opportunities and Limitations in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants’ Markets and Research in Developing Countries: Lebanon as a Case Study
Lebanon, a country on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, has a rich fl oral diversity. Relative to its area, Lebanon has more wild plant species density than any European country. With a surface area of only 10452 square kilometer, more...
A user-friendly interactive tool for estimating reference ET using ASCE standardized Penman-Monteith equation
The Accurate daily reference evapotranspiration (ET) values are needed to estimate crop water demand for irrigation management and hydrologic modeling purposes. The Bushland Reference ET Calculator (BET) was developed to implement a user...
Biofortification through breeding interventions in lentil
Micronutrient deficiency affects more than two billion population worldwide especially in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The deficiency in human body is commonly described as “hidden hunger” leading to a range of health hazards including low...
Magnitude and Occurrence Probability of Soil Loss: a Risk Analytical Approach for the Plot Scale for Two Sites in Lower Austria
Long-term contribution of soil loss events depends on both – the magnitude and the occurrence probability – but oftentimes, a limited observation period impedes the assessment of the temporal soil loss distribution. In this research, the event...
Barley lines with higher grain beta glucan content identified
In recent years, there has been renewed interest in food barley due to it's health benefitting properties. Barley grain contains a polysaccharide, beta glucan, which has been shown to reduce blood cholesterol and glucose level. The varieties and...
Growth in Total Factor Productivity in the Egyptian Agriculture Sector: Growth Accounting and Econometric Assessments of Sources of Growth
This research aims to assess the Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of the whole agricultural sector in Egypt for the period 1961-2012 using Törnqvist index calculations. Particularly, it aims to investigate: (1) the most important factors...
Ncl Synchronously Regulates Na+, K+, and Cl− in Soybean and Greatly Increases the Grain Yield in Saline Field Conditions
Salt stress inhibits soybean growth and reduces gain yield. Genetic improvement of salt tolerance is essential for sustainable soybean production in saline areas. In this study, we isolated a gene (Ncl) that could synchronously regulate the...
The lentil is among the earliest domesticates from the Near East Fertile Crescent. With seed of high nutritional value and a low water use, the food legume crop – lentils – is well adapted to cereal-based dryland cropping in Mediterranean and...
Breeding schemes for the implementation of genomic selection in wheat (Triticum spp.)
In the last decade the breeding technology referred to as ‘genomic selection’ (GS) has been implementedin a variety of species, with particular success in animal breeding. Recent research shows the potentialof GS to reshape wheat breeding. Many...
Do Texas Angora bucks improve mohair weight and quality traits of Tajik Angora goats?
With the main objective of improving Tajik mohair quantity and quality, frozen semen from eight top performance tested Texan Angora bucks was imported and used on 459 selected local goats from 11 farmers in two insemination seasons. Conception...