Wheat Breeding at ICARDA: Achievements and Prospects in the CWANA Region
The Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA) region is a vast geographic area extending west to east from the Atlas Mountains in Morocco to the fertile irrigated Indus Valley in Pakistan; and from the highland high- rainfall areas of...
Molecular diversity and population structure of the Ethiopian lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus) genotype assessment using SSR markers
Knowledge of genetic diversity in germplasm is essential for formulating effective germplasm collection, conservation, utilization strategies in and crop improvement programs. It also provides an opportunity to take corrective steps infusing new...
Pigeonpea breeding in eastern and southern Africa: challenges and opportunities
Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan [L.] Millspaugh) is an important multipurpose grain legume crop primarily grown in tropical and subtropical areas of Asia, Africa and Latin America. In Africa, the crop is grown for several purposes including food...
Turning the tide on pulses production in Ethiopia - Chickpea
Chickpea crop is the third most widely grown legume crop (after soybean and bean) and of particular significance in developing countries, as providing an important source of farmer income and nutrition to poor farmers. ICARDA holds the largest...
Grasslands in 'Old World' and 'New World' Mediterranean-climate zones: past trends, current status and future research priorities
Despite their ecological, economic and social importance, grasslands in areas with Mediterranean climates continue to receive limited scientific, political and media attention. The main objectives of this review are to compare and contrast...
Integrated management of Ascochyta blight (Didymella fabae) on faba bean under Mediterranean conditions
Integrated disease management options (two sowing dates, three fungicides and 3e6 faba bean genotypes) in managing Ascochyta blight affecting faba bean were evaluated for three cropping seasons (2006/07e2008/09) in northern Syria for their...
Heat stress at reproductive stage disrupts leaf carbohydrate metabolism, impairs reproductive function, and severely reduces seed yield in lentil
Rising temperatures or global warming will be detrimental for various crops. Moreover, because of increasing demand for lentil (LensculinarisL.)grains,thereisaneedtobroadentheadaptation of this crop into warmer climes.Hence,a studywas conducted...
Spectral Reflectance Models for Characterizing Winter Wheat Genotypes
Optimum wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) yield can be achieved by developing and growing the best genotypes in the most suited environments. However, exhaustive field measurements are required to characterize plants with desirable traits in breeding...
Determinants of the utilization of desho grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) by farmers in Ethiopia
A study was conducted to document how smallholder farmers in Ethiopia utilize desho grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) and explain the determinants of alternative and competing uses of the grass. The study was conducted using a semi- structured...
Molecular markers for tracking the origin and worldwide distribution of invasive strains of Puccinia striiformis
Investigating the origin and dispersal pathways is instrumental to mitigate threats and economic and environmental consequences of invasive crop pathogens. In the case of Puccinia striiformis causing yellow rust on wheat, a number of...