Integrated management of Ascochyta blight (Didymella fabae) on faba bean under Mediterranean conditions

Integrated disease management options (two sowing dates, three fungicides and 3e6 faba bean genotypes) in managing Ascochyta blight affecting faba bean were evaluated for three cropping seasons (2006/07e2008/09) in northern Syria for their effects on disease parameters, seed infection and dry seed yield. The combined results of the three seasons on disease parameters showed that sowing dates significantlyaffected final disease severity and area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC); faba bean genotypes significantly affected final disease severity, rate of disease development and AUDPC. The highest AUDPC (255%days)was observedin early than lateplanted(168% days) faba bean genotypes. The mean AUDPC of faba bean genotypes ranged from 189% days on genotype 1053e1325 to 234% days on ILB-1814. Only faba bean genotypes and fungicides showed significant interactions in affecting final disease severity and AUDPC. Fungicide sprays significantly affected mean percent pod infection and rate of disease development but not mean percent seed infection. Faba bean genotypes showed significant differences in dry seed yield and the yield ranged from 1.7 t ha1 in cv. Ascot to 2.4 t ha1 in faba bean genotype 945-105. Improved varieties with Ascochyta blight resistance are not currently released and available for farmers in northern Syria and the integration of early planting (NovembereDecember) with one foliar fungicide spray at vegetative stage can help to reduce Ascochyta blight severity, pod and seed infections. Chlorothalonil and azoxystrobin are widely used fungicides to manage Ascochyta blights on food legumes in many countries and one of them could be used depending on their availability and costs to managing faba bean Ascochyta blight in Syria and other Mediterranean type environments.