Les interactions entre les parasites (Toxoplasma gondii et Haemonchus contortus) et la fonction de reproduction chez les ovins
The reproductive function is affected by several environmental constraints including health problems. In small ruminants, the interaction between parasite infestations and infections and reproductive function has been little studied. The...
Occurrence of Septoria tritici blotch (Zymoseptoria tritici) disease on durum wheat, triticale, and bread wheat in Northern Tunisia
Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is the most important cereal crop in Tunisia, nonetheless production is highly affected by drought and diseases mainly Septoria tritici blotch (STB) caused by Zymoseptoria tritici (Roberge ex Desm.) Quaedvl. & Crous...
Elaboration of Livestock R&D Scenarios and Assessment of the Impact of Alternative Investment Scenarios on Employment Generation: A Methodological Framework
As agriculture is the largest employment sector in Sub-Saharan Africa, and as the average contribution of agriculture to GDP is more than 17% (OECD/FAO, 2016; World Bank, 2017), the agricultural employment growth can be a driving force of...
Chickpea chlorotic stunt and Beet western yellows viruses (genus Polerovirus, family Luteoviridae) on cool season food legumes in Tunisia: importance, characterization and management
Legumes are considered as strategic crops in Tunisia because of their economic and social relevance and directly contribute in the national alimentary equilibrium. However, legumes production levels remain quite low which is often attributed to...
Restoration of Badia ecosystem services for enhanced community livelihood Technical final report 2018 _ Rangelands
In arid ecosystems, it is necessary to come up with strategies which significantly improve rangeland production to better the lives of smallholder farmers. The use of intermittent contours for water harvesting to boost shrub growth has resulted...
Prospects for cooperation among local stakeholders for rangeland restoration
This event was organized as part of the joint scientific agreement between the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and the Institute of Arid Zones of Medenine (IRA), carried out within the Consortium...
Heat-Tolerant QTLs Associated with Grain Yield and Its Components in Spring Bread Wheat under Heat-Stressed Environments of Sudan and Egypt
Heat stress decreases photosynthesis, pollen viability, grain number and weight, and hence lowers yield and quality of wheat by variable amounts among different cultivars and genotypes. The present study was carried out to determine genetic...
Annual Cropland Mapping Using Reference Landsat Time Series—A Case Study in Central Asia
Mapping the spatial and temporal dynamics of cropland is an important prerequisite for regular crop condition monitoring, management of land and water resources, or tracing and understanding the environmental impacts of agriculture. Analyzing...
Wheat production and breeding in Sub-Saharan Africa: Challenges and opportunities in the face of climate change
Purpose – This paper aims to review the current status of wheat production, farming systems, production constraints and wheat demand-supply chain analysis; the role of international and national breeding programs and their approaches in wheat...
Effet de la méthode artisanale d’extraction sur les caractéristiques chimiques de l’huile végétale de lentisque pistachier du nord de la Tunisia (Pistacia lentiscus L.)
Huile végétale, lentisque pistachier, caractérisation physique, analyses chimiques Ce travail a été mené dans le cadre de la caractérisation de l’huile végétale de lentisque pistachier. Une caractérisation chimique des différents échantillons de...