Prospects for cooperation among local stakeholders for rangeland restoration

This event was organized as part of the joint scientific agreement between the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA), and the Institute of Arid Zones of Medenine (IRA), carried out within the Consortium Research Program (CRP) on livestock – “Livestock & Environment” Flagship, led by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). This activity was partly co-funded by CRP-PIM (Policies Institutions & Markets, Flagship 5), led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Both CRPs co-funded the organization of this workshop as illustrated by figures in Table 1. In their annual workplan, both IRA and ICARDA agreed that this workshop will be part of IRA deliverables primarily for CRP Livestock. The objective of this workshop was to evaluate the existing relationships and interactions among actors in relation to rangeland restoration through the technique of "Gdel", under different land tenure status in the governorate of Tataouine. It also aims at identifying prospects for cooperation among these local stakeholders for more effective rangeland restoration. The workshop was attended by technicians and specialists from the Regional Commissariat for Agricultural Development (CRDA), the office d'élevage et des paturages of Tataouine (OEP), researchers from the Institute of Arid Zones of Medenine (IRA), representatives of agricultural professional organizations (agricultural development grouping (GDA), Land management councils (CG)), the Union of Farmers, breeders and representatives of the Ministry of land affairs in Tataouine.