ICARDA’s high-level participation at Cairo Water Week 2022 reflected the organization’s commitment to strengthening partnerships for developing climate-adapted and resilient agri-solutions for smallholder farmers in water-scarce Egypt and beyond.
The stratospheric Ozone Hole is a topic much less discussed than Climate Change. But the ozone hole may have a tremendous impact on the Earth’s climate because it regulates UV ray transmissions towards Earth’s surface. Shouldn't we take more notice?
Each year, the Agricultural Research Center (ARC) in Egypt and ICARDA delegations meet to assess the achievements of the previous year, discuss lessons learned, and plan Egypt's future agricultural research priorities.
Integrated Assessment of Agricultural Livelihoods Systems
A new ICARDA/GLDC-supported MSc course for Burkina Faso.
ICARDA and the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals (GLDC) collaborated with the Institute of Rural Development in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso, to develop a new...
ICARDA student Abd-Al Rahman Moukahel wins Young Scientist Poster Award
A scientific poster developed by Mr. Abd-Al Rahman Moukahel Research Assistant at ICARDA Seed Health Laboratory in Lebanon was selected for the Young Scientist Poster Award during the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union (MPU 2022)
Farewell Dr. Kamel Shideed, dear friend and colleague
It is with great sadness that we share the news of the passing of Dr. Kamel Shideed on the morning of July 30 at his home in Amman, Jordan. Dr. Shideed was previously ICARDA’s Assistant Director General – International Cooperation and Communication (ADG-ICC).