ICARDA’s Khaled Al Shamaa Joins "Shiny" framework contributors group

ICARDA’s Khaled Al Shamaa gains entry to a prestigious app developers' group
We are thrilled to announce that ICARDA’s Research Database Manager and Senior Analyst Khaled Al- Shamaa was admitted into the inner circle of "Shiny" framework contributors group coordinated by RStudio. The RStudio/Shiny framework contributors group includes only around 68 developers worldwide who are specialized in building interactive web apps straight from ‘R’ (a statistical programming language).
Shiny enables scientists to tell their data story and let users interact with their data and their analysis. It allows users to host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R Markdown documents or build dashboards.

Khaled’s contribution enables the file input component in the Shiny framework to support the HTML5 capture attribute. This new feature is of great help to any developer who integrates ML/AI image recognition functionality in their Deep Learning web application using a direct feed from a mobile camera/microphone instead of selecting an image/audio file to upload.
Khaled’s achievement will enable ICARDA’s biometrics teams to develop more, and better analytical tools for ICARDA breeders, International Nurseries, and Genebank, and will contribute to the overall OneCGIAR Information Technology goals.
Khaled Al-Shamaa has extensive experience in biometrics, bioinformatics, and geoinformatics for agricultural research. He provides statistical and analytical support and has contributed to developing and implementing several web applications and database systems.