ICARDA's New Video Series on Cactus Pear Production
ICARDA releases part one of a three-video series on cactus pear production, aimed at farmers in dry regions. The series promotes best-agronomic practices to improve productivity and enhance the quality of the crop at low cost.
Free e-courses on beekeeping, cactus pear, and more
Six e-learning modules in Arabic and French are now available free of charge for extension services officers and trainers on topics ranging from cactus pear production, beekeeping and supplementary irrigation among others.
Dr. Safaa Kumari, an eminent Syrian plant virologist at ICARDA, has been acknowledged in the BBC’s 100 Women 2020 for her inspiring and influential work in protecting global crops from devastating diseases.
ICARDA scientists win the Crop Science Society of America 2020 Outstanding Paper Award
The Crop Science Society of America selects a report on root system architecture in durum wheat under different water regimes for the 2020 Outstanding Paper Award.
ICARDA and partners impress the global big data community with their digital innovations by securing four finalist spots out of fifteen and winning two out of seven awards in the Inspire Challenge.
ICARDA efforts to preserve its valuable genebank collection pay off
Since the relocation of ICARDA's genebanks from Syria to Lebanon and Morocco in 2012, the organization has conserved and multiplied its collection to promote food security in the drylands of Africa and Asia and to ensure its availability for the international research community.
As part of the ICARDA/LARI joint capacity development project funded by the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), ICARDA provided the Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI) with 722 Kg of quality legume seeds.
ICARDA training field days in Jordan raise awareness of the fruit's fantastic potential to hundreds of dryland farmers, the private sector, government agri-tech officials, and national media