Farming System Design FSD7 Webinars - Registration Now Open

To foster and engage young researchers to design innovative future agri-food systems for a variety of dryland farming contexts, ICARDA, CIHEAM-IAMM, FAO and IRESA-Tunisia have organized a 4-part Farming System Design (FSD7) Webinar series on Capacity Development in Systems Research for the Transformation of Agri-Food Systems to achieve Sustainable Development Goals under climate change.
Date and time: March 22-25, 2021 10:00AM-12:00PM (GMT+2).
Participants and participation: Anticipated number of participants for each webinar is between 50 and 100, especially from the drylands of Africa and Asia. The webinars will be free of charge, but participants will need to register in advance.
Presenters will be selected from those that have submitted abstracts to the FSD7 and will include scientists and invited speakers from research institutions and development agencies.
The webinars are envisaged to be interactive, with the full engagement of young scientists. To ensure a dynamic and participatory process, discussion papers by Presenters will be made available on the website ahead of time for review, comments, and questions from participants which will inform discussions during the webinars.
The webinars form a part of the FSD7 International Course for design and assessment of rainfed farming systems in MENA which will be held in Tunis in March 2021. The focus of the webinars is the transformation of agri-food systems in the dry regions:
- Webinar 1: (22 March 2021) Systemic transformation of agri-food systems to reach synergies between SDG1 (no poverty) and SDG2 (no hunger) under climate change, water scarcity and planetary boundaries: An insight on the opportunities and pathways for transformation and implementation. It discusses opportunities to implement development projects in the drylands of Africa and Asia.
- Webinar 2: (23 March 2021) Designing climate smart and resilient cereal-livestock based farming systems for food and nutrition security in the drylands of Africa and Asia. It presents case studies relating to co-design of resilient climate smart cereal-livestock farming systems.
- Webinar 3: (24 March 2021) Multi-scale and multicriteria trade-off analysis in the SDG1-SDG2 nexus, to co-design sustainable and healthy agri-food systems and to inform policies. It discusses case studies that have addressed methodological challenges related to the co-design of resilient and sustainable farming systems in dryland areas.
- Webinar 4: (25 March 2021) Accelerating and amplifying systemic transformation of agri-food systems with digitalization of research and advisory services to family farmers and decision makers. It brings together examples of the current thinking on application ICTs and digital technologies addressing issues at a broader systems and regional scales.