Mr. Udo Rudiger has more than 25 years experience in development and R4D. Mr. Rudiger started working for the German Development Service in West Africa in the 1990s, and from 2006 until 2015 supported agricultural value chain projects for the...
Systems Cropping Agronomist - Joint Researcher - INRA
Rachid Moussadek
Dr. Rachid Moussadek is a Senior Scientist and Specialist in Soil and Sustainable Intensification. He is also a Joint Researcher at ICARDA/INRA and the Chair of the FAO-Global Soil Partnership/GSP-NENA, collaborating with a soil R&D consortium...
Mr. Tamura is a Capacity Development Specialist based in Cairo, Egypt. He joined the ICARDA Jordan office in 2015. He has been engaged with different research for development projects and capacity-building activities in the MENA region and other...
Platform Manager, Amlaha-India and Interim Country Manager, Afghanistan
Nigamananda Swain
Agricultural Livelihood Systems Expert
Quang Bao Le
Quang Bao Le is an agricultural livelihood systems expert with more than 25 years-experience. His research focuses on the development and application of human-environment system methodologies to integrate multi-disciplinary scientific expertise...
Research Team Leader - Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning and CIP-Program Management Officer
Enrico Bonaiuti
Enrico Bonaiuti is the Research Team Leader of the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Team at ICARDA. He coordinates and leads large multi-country teams, ensuring timely deliverables and effective implementation across operations and...
Bezaiet is a Social Scientist with a solid academic background supported with over 20 years of work experience in a wide range of international development issues, including - sustainable agricultural diversification and intensification; gender...
Dr. Dina Najjar joined ICARDA in 2014 as a social and gender specialist. A socio-cultural anthropologist by training, she focuses on the link between gender equality and policies; agricultural technologies and delivery systems; rural employment...
Principal Agricultural Economist (Economic Modeling)
Aymen Frija
Aymen Frija is an agricultural economist with ICARDA’s Social, Economic and Policy Research Team. He is also the coordinator of ICARDA’s activities in Tunisia and Algeria. His current research interests focus on farm modeling, farm efficiency...