Until now three publications have reported the development of transgenic lentil plants through protocol optimisation using the gusA gene, but there are no reports of the introduction of a gene with agronomic importance. In the present study we report...
Barley is a model species for the investigation of the evolution, adaptation and spread of the world's important crops. In this article, we describe the first application of an oligonucleotide pool assay single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) platform...
Chickpea fields were surveyed in nine major chickpeagrowing
provinces of Syria in 2008 and 2009 to determine
the prevalence and severity of Ascochyta blight,
and the distribution of Didymella rabiei mating types
(MATs) in the country. A total of 133...
Food legumes are the main source of dietary protein for a large part of the world's population, and also play an important role in maintaining soil fertility through nitrogen fixation. However, legume yields and production are often limited by large...
Wild Triticum and Aegilops species are increasingly used in wheat breeding programmes around the world as donors of genes conferring resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, as well as of genes that contribute to the improvement of grain quality...
In dry, rainfed lands of the world crop yield potential is usually limited by both low rainfall and degraded soil, as well as social and economic constraints. Though the Mediterranean region is the site of the origin of modern agriculture, the...
Global population growth and land-use pressure are placing increasing emphasis on expanding crop and animal output in rainfed agriculture. Rainfed areas of the world have some common features, but some unique biophysical and socio-cultural conditions...