Order your trial seeds now!

Published Date
May 17, 2020
Published by
ICARDA Communication Team
Despite COVID-19, it's business as usual for ICARDA's International Nurseries. Order now for 2020/21 trials.
Order your trial seeds now!
Order your trial seeds now!

Dear Collaborators!

COVID-19 has not affected our International Nurseries. As long as delivery services are still functioning in your country (please check!), you can still order your trial seeds from us.

But be quick! 70% of collaborators have already ordered and time is running out if you want to plant ready for next season., especially if delivery in your country is being disrupted.

We thank you for your patience and support.


The international nursery trialing system is an integral part of the crop improvement programs of ICARDA and NARs partners. It provides the cooperators with the opportunity to evaluate the genetically diverse germplasms generated through conventional and modern breeding methodologies under their own agro-ecological conditions and socio-economic contexts. For this process to succeed, effective data collection and timely sharing is crucial.

ICARDA has the global mandate for barley, lentil and faba bean and a regional mandate for chickpea, durum and bread wheat improvement within the Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR). ICARDA’s crop improvement programs develop nurseries for a wide range of agricultural systems and distributes them worldwide upon request. All nurseries are developed, prepared and dispatched from the ICARDA’s Headquarters in Lebanon, except winter barley and wheat from ICARDA, Turkey.








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