6th Farming Systems Design Conference

Start Date
August 18, 2019
End Date
August 21, 2019
Montevideo, Uruguay

The sixth Farming Systems Design Conference (FSD6) will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, to renew its commitment to generating knowledge and supporting innovation for a sustainable future. The theme of the FSD6 conference is “Agricultural systems designs sustained by nature,” seeking designs that make more intelligent use of biological processes to support environmentally and socially-friendly production systems. 

The Conference will promote process and system-level understanding and quantification of current land use efficiencies and other production factors at multiple scales (field, farm, landscape, and regional). One specific target of the FSD6 is to widen the interdisciplinary coverage of the FSD community, beyond the original core of agronomists. It welcomes contributions from crop and animal science (including fisheries), economics, social sciences, ecology, management science, knowledge science, and computer science. 

Upcoming Events

CGIAR Science Week
April 07, 2025 - April 12, 2025
General event
After CGIAR's Science Week had to be postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, the event has been rescheduled and will take place from 7 - 12 April 2025 in Nairobi.