ICARDA at COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Start Date
December 02, 2024
End Date
December 13, 2024
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
COP16 in Riyadh 2024
COP16 in Riyadh 2024
From 2 – 13 December 2024, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will host the 16th session of the Conference of the Parties of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in Riyadh. The UNCCD was established in 1994 to protect and restore land and is the only legally binding framework set up to address desertification and the effects of drought. It is the world’s foremost platform where governments, businesses and civil society come together to discuss present-day challenges and chart a sustainable future for land. As healthy land is at the heart of reaching global climate, nature and sustainable development goals, COP16 aims to discuss and find solutions for the climate crisis today, biodiversity loss tomorrow, and land degradation the day after.
ICARDA’s delegation to COP16, led by its Director General, Aly Abousabaa, will participate in these high-level discussions and highlight its unique expertise in dryland agricultural research for development.  UNCCD COP16 will be a landmark event to raise global ambition and accelerate action on land and drought resilience through a people-centered approach. ICARDA is proud to be part of it.  
Click here for more information.
We will continue to update this page with additional information as it becomes available.