Digital Agriculture Solutions Forum 2023

The Digital Agricultural Solutions Forum 2023 will discuss the digitalization of food and agriculture systems to address challenges faced by smallholders in the Near East and Northern Africa (NENA) region. It will explore long-term digital transformation tools for different agricultural sub-sectors to develop innovative climate-smart interventions. The conference is organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in collaboration with CGIARs Initative on Digital Innovation as well as the Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) Initiative. It will take place in Amman from June 11-13, 2023.
On July 11, ICARDA expert Dr. Vinay Nangia (Research Team Leader Soil, Water and Agronomy) will deliver a speech on solar-powered ultra-low energy drip irrigation. On July 12, ICARDAs Dr. Ajit Govind (Senior Climate Scientist and Systems Modeler) will moderate a session about digital agriculture in advanced scientific research with speakers such as Dr. Bezaiet Dessalegn (Social Scientist, ICARDA) and Dr. Rachid Moussadek (Systems Cropping Agronomist, Joint Researcher ICARDA & INRI).
The conference will further discuss ways to attract investment for digital agriculture and promote rural entrepreneurship. Participants will have the opportunity to share lessons learned from the design and development of digital agriculture services and showcase solutions. The forum also aims to establish multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder partnerships to promote digital agriculture in the region.