3rd UfM Regional Meeting on Higher Education

Start Date
December 01, 2019
End Date
December 01, 2019

Cairo, 1 December. This meeting was jointly organized by the Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Egypt.

It brought together representatives from Ministries of Higher Education of UfM Member States, key regional and international partner organizations, higher education institutions and relevant regional stakeholders.

Participants initiated a reflection on a renewed strategic regional agenda of cooperation for higher education in the Euro-Mediterranean area with a view to building upon lessons learnt from past experience, updating priorities and ensuring proper follow-up mechanisms for future implementation.

The meeting reinforcied higher education cooperation across the Mediterranean for the further development of internationalization and academic mobility.

Session 1 - Towards a renewed Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Euro-Mediterranean Area
  • Presentation of the main results from the regional consultation process on the key challenges, needs and requirements for strengthening structural cooperation.
  • Feedback from countries on the main results: proposed priorities, follow-up mechanism and process.
  • Agreement on the next steps and validation process: presentation to the SOM for endorsement by the 43 UfM Member States (Spring 2020).
Session 2 - Building upon experience: Lessons from regional initiatives and projects
  • Sharing of experience by ongoing regional initiatives and projects.
  • Exchange on the most important challenges or needs the initiatives and projects are facing to achieve greater and more structural impact.
  • Roundtable discussion aiming at identifying specific support needed by countries and stakeholders and possible actions to be included in the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Mediterranean Area.
Session 3 - Strengthening regional partnerships and cooperation
  • Ways to enhance cross-fertilisation between parallel intergovernmental processes in the region
  • Exchange on the most important challenges or needs the countries are facing to further develop South-South cooperation.
  • Roundtable discussion aiming at identifying specific support needed by countries, and stakeholders and possible actions to be included in the Strategic Agenda for Higher Education in the Mediterranean Area.
Programme: see: Agenda

La collaboration Sud-Sud de la Tunisie dans l'Enseignement supérieur et la recherche

Interview avec Malek Kochlef - Directeur Général Ministère de l´Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, Tunisie.

01/12/2019. Caire, Egypte. Troisième réunion pour l'Enseignement supérieur de l'Union Méditerranéenne. 

  • Est-ce que la Tunisie peut offrir un enseignement supérieur de qualité pour les étudiants provenant des pays du Sahel?
  • Quel est le nombre d'étudiants Tunisiens et internationaux?

  • La situation démographique des pays avoisinants peut-être un atout pour la Tunisie?

  • Comment la Tunisie peut-elle se profiler d'avantage comme destination internationale d'étudiants?
    "A ce stade il n'y a pas de programme de mobilité dans l'Union Méditerranéenne"

  • La Tunisie participe dans quelles collaborations internationales?

  • Quelle est l'approche de la Tunisie envers les universités internationales?

  • Quel appui supplémentaire l'Union Européenne pourrait-elle donner a la collaboration Sud-Sud?

  • La Tunisie peut-elle être également attractive pour les étudiants africains anglophones?

  • Quelle est l'offre de la Tunisie dans le domaine de l'agriculture?

  • Ceci inclus le transfert des technologies et expérience dans des incubateurs?

  • Les atouts de la Tunisie peuvent-ils être pris en compte dans des nouveaux programmes?

  • Il y a une sous-représentation des pays nord-africains dans les programmes de recherche inter-africains?

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