Emphasizing agricultural research at International Green Week Berlin

The world's biggest food, agriculture and horticulture fair, the International Green Week Berlin, took place for the 81st time from 15-24 January, 2016. At this huge gathering, scientists from ICARDA, along with other CGIAR centers, including AfricaRice, highlighted the importance of international agricultural research to end world hunger. International Green Week Berlin is the point of origin for the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) with more than 70 departmental ministers, including the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and over 1700 exhibitors from around 70 countries.
ICARDA presented a few examples of plants that are highly adapted to drought, including spineless cactus and Saltbush, etc. Information about ICARDA’s unique GeneBank material - safely stored in Norway’s Svalbard Seed Vault - and its innovative research on GPS collar was also exhibited. “Visitors were greatly interested in spineless cactus. Some even tried to chew saltbush leaves while looking at our long term seed storage bins in Svalbard,” said Dr. Jutta Werner, from ICARDA’s Sustainable Intensification and Resilient Production Systems Program.
As agricultural production worldwide reels under the effects of climate change, the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organization has underscored the importance of agricultural research for ensuring more stable food supplies. According to UN figures, agricultural production will have to rise 60% to feed the extra 2 billion people in 2050. Enhanced agricultural research, including competitive research funding and better managed programs, are essential for productivity growth throughout the agricultural value chain to sustainably meet growing global demands.