VegMeasure® software was developed to help researchers to estimate vegetation canopy cover in different research areas, as well as different ecosystems. The software allows the estimation of grassland vegetation parameters and the monitoring of...
Diversity of genes for resistance to stripe rust in wheat elite lines, commercial varieties and landraces from Lebanon and Syria
Stripe (yellow) rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), is a major threat to wheat production in Central and West Asia and North Africa (CWANA). Effective fungicides are available, but host resistance remains the most...
Gender and agriculture in Tunisia: A brief country report
The brochure describes the gender aspects of extension in Tunisia and the scientific gender approach of the Mind the Gap project, including recommandation for extension services
Innovations Agricoles : options pour des approches de transfert de technologies agricoles appropriées dans les zones semi-arides en Tunisie
Une évaluation approfondie du système de vulgarisation agricole tunisien montre que des paquets technologiques améliorés destinés au système de production agricole mixte élevage-orge en Tunisie semi-aride permettent d’économiser jusqu’à 40 % des...
Simulating Crop Productivity in a Triple Rotation in the Semi‑arid Area of the Aral Sea Basin
Farmers face increased risks and vulnerability to the effects of climate change and land degradation on crop production due to the lack of information and impact assessment. This is especially true in the Khorezm, an irrigated agricultural...
The economic advantages of legume-based rotations over cereal mono-cropping in dry areas
Current land use trends show an increasing preference for monocropping – mostly a consequence of policies and incentives aimed at enhancing the intensification of cereals. This shift has caused some to question whether legume–cereal rotations can remain economically viable options for farmers, particularly in the dry areas.
Ankara, 12-13 December 2019. Training workshop PRIMA – Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area is the most ambitious joint programme to be undertaken in the frame of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation. PRIMA aims to: “build...
Брошюра: Оценка ущерба от деградации окружающей среды в горах Таджикистана (CoED)
Располагая лишь 7 процентами земель, используемых в сельском хозяйстве, горный Таджикистан расположен в центре региона Центральной Азии, подверженного опустыниванию, засолению, эрозии почвы и потере лесов. Первым шагом к решению проблемы...