Unlocking Agricultural Potential in India: Transforming Rice Fallow with Grasspea
Odisha, in Eastern India, is cultivating 0.4 million hectares of rice fallow using ICARDA's innovative agri-technologies and practices, increasing production and improving farmers' incomes.
The CGIAR 2030 Global Strategy For Resilient Drylands – A Bold Vision Unveiled
Dec 4, UNCCD COP16, Riyadh: ICARDA & ICRISAT launch CGIAR’s 2030 Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands to transform agriculture for 2.7B dryland residents.
On World Soil Day 2024, we explore how ICARDA’s sustainable soil, water, and agronomy practices enable intensified, net-zero food production in drylands amid climate challenges and growing populations,
ICARDA and Odisha Agriculture Partner to Revitalize Forgotten Crops and Boost Livelihoods
Pulses are vital for India’s food security, offering climate resilience, pest resistance, and protein. ICARDA’s Food Legume Research Platform in Amlaha has developed nutrient-rich varieties to enhance sustainable cereal-based farming.
Building Nature-Positive Seed Systems for Community Seed Banks in Kenya and India
Community Seed Banks harness local knowledge to aid smallholder farmers in Kenya and India, conserving agrobiodiversity and developing climate-resilient crops.
ICARDA and Egypt Unite with New Agreement to Boost Research on Sustainable Water Management
ICARDA and the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of Egypt have signed an MoU to strengthen collaboration in water resources and irrigation research, as well as capacity building to optimize agricultural water usage in Egypt.
The Road to a Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands
CGIAR's Global Strategy for Resilient Drylands takes center stage as we approach UNFCCC COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, and UNCCD COP16 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
With support from the African Development Bank’s Agricultural Research for the Development of Strategic Crops in Africa (SARD-SC) and Technologies for African Agriculture Transformation (TAAT), ICARDA and the Department of Research and Specialist Services (DRISS) developed and released a bread wheat variety named SAVE.