Toxoplasma gondii infection and toxoplasmosis in North Africa: a review
Toxoplasmosis is an important zoonosis caused by an obligate intracellular parasitic protozoan, Toxoplasma gondii. It is worldwide distributed in all warm-blooded vertebrates including humans. The present review aimed to collect, compile and...
Field and controlled conditions screenings of some faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes for resistance to the parasitic plant Orobanche crenata Forsk. and investigation of involved resistance mechanisms
The parasitic weed Orobanche crenata is a serious constraint to legumes crops in Mediterranean area. In Morocco, heavy O. crenata infestation level was reported in many faba bean fields. Development of resistant faba bean genotypes remains a...
Impacts of bracteole removal and seeding rate on seedling emergence of halophyte shrubs: implications for rangeland rehabilitation in arid environments
Direct seeding techniques often result in unsatisfactory outcomes in rangeland rehabilitation, primarily because of low seedling emergence and poor establishment. Seed processing techniques aimed at improving seedling emergence have gained...
Promoting the Use of Cactus Pear to Enhance Sustainable Livelihoods in Semi-arid Areas of India
Small holder farmers in semi-arid environments have limited resources to improve the supply of animal feeds. Cactus pear (Opuntia ficus-indica) is an ideal candidate that can grow in degraded land with minimum inputs. However, proven agronomy...
Livelihoods Strategies and Household Resilience to Food Insecurity: A Case Study from Rural Tunisia
Due to the decrease of household incomes, the increase of food prices, and the negative effects of climate change on agricultural production, Tunisia faces a food insecurity challenge, especially in rural and arid areas. The purpose of our...
Although lentils are a critical source of income in parts of Ethiopia, not enough attention has been paid to farmers’ limited access to reliable information and improved seed varieties. Furthermore, the gender aspects of lentil production are...
Genetic identification of loci for Hessian fly resistance in durum wheat
Durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is a major crop of North Africa. Here, its production is affected by Hessian fly (Mayetiola destructor, HF) epidemics. Genetic resistance against this pest exist, but its molecular basis remains unclear. Here...
Seedling and adult stage resistance to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) in spring barley and stability of adult stage resistance to SFNB in Morocco
The aims of this study were to identify resistance to spot form of net blotch (SFNB) in spring barley and to investigate the stability of SFNB resistance in Morocco. The seedling resistance to SFNB was evaluated by inoculating 340 barley...
Managing rangelands: promoting sustainable forage-grass species: Lasiurus sindicus Henrard: a promising, drought-tolerant, tussocky perennial grass suitable for pasture development in desert areas
This is a factsheet about Sewan grass (Lasiurus sindicus) that Popularly known as the king of the desert, sewan grass is remarkably well adapted to the desert. High water-use efficiency enables this native grass to maximize production even in...
Managing rangelands: promoting native shrub species: Ziziphus nummularia: a promising forage shrub for silvopasture in arid and semi-arid ecosystems
This is a factsheet about Ziziphus nummularia is one such important shrub species of arid and semi-arid tracts. Continuing to supply foliage over a long time, it plays a vital role in the economy of dryland peoples. It is a multipurpose shrub...